
Mulberry cocoa crumble

A while back I attended the Gluten Free Fair. I really only invested in two items. Noodles from Edison Grainery, and a "Superfood Crumble" made by a mom who's child suffers from autism. This is a healthy snack that's easy on the go- you can bring it with you, leave it crumbly (which I prefer) or shape it into small bars and wrap them up. It fills you (the buckwheat helps make it super filling) and doesn't leave you with an overloaded sugar dump. That's the biggest problem I've had is figuring out some easy snacks that don't require a lot of care when hauling around. I also feel sooooo sugared out by the "nut bars" and such out there. Lara bars are ok, but I'm still not a HUGE fan.
This stuff is super super super yummy, has a unique taste~  However I can't afford to pay $29 for 12 oz of this stuff. So I made it for probably 1/8-1/4 of the price for 24 oz or more. The mulberries I bought on Amazon  HERE And the rest of the stuff I either bought in bulk or you could get it at the Good Earth or Whole Foods I'm sure. 

Superfood Crumble *copycat*
Sprouted buckwheat *read below* - 1 c
Cashews 1/2 c ( can substitute for brazil nuts instead)
Agave 3 T or honey (use like 1 1/2 T)
flax seeds 1/8 c
coconut flakes 1/4 c
chocolate chips or cocoa nibs 1/8 c 
sunflower seeds 1/2 c
pumpkin seeds 1/8 c
almonds 1/4 c
mulberries 3/4 c
sesame seeds 1 T
(cacoa or) cocoa pwdr 1 1/2 t 
spirulina pwdr 1/2 t
vanilla 1/4 t
salt 1/4 + 1/8 t

(You can substitute carob chips and not add the cocoa powder if you have a chocolate allergy)
Put all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until it seems to hold together pretty well. But not too much~

**Sprouted Buckwheat- you want it to have a "crunch" to it but easy enough to bite into. Soak only 10-15 minutes. The "crunch" is what adds so much to it.

If you want to purchase some though- and she does have some other amazing flavors I tried at the fair- go to her website HERE.

Later I'll have to try making a "lara bar" of sorts- they're just made of nuts and dried fruit basically.

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